Using homemade giant brushes and water as a medium, calligraphers practice their writing in the parks in Beijing. Inspired from this, Invisible Drawings: GREY AREA is part performance, part graffiti, and part social experiment. This investigation of environment, painting and dance has led to workshops and collaborations that will be documented here and at
These performances are part of a continuum of works that are an exploration between the trace of a dancer and the trace of a painter and the attempt to find a middle ground.
Put a Stop To (Experiments in the Studio)
In the piece, the dancer physically interferes with the mark-making of the painter. This produces unconscious and accidental marks on the paper. Watch the process of this piece, here: Natalie's turn at drawing (below).
As part of a workshop Cheung organized in Sackville New Brunswick in June 2009. The workshop was an opportunity for the public to participate in the act of drawing on a large scale using ephemeral marks in a public space. Thanks to the staff at Struts Gallery for making it possible!